Rachel Bulman reviews Exeter Northcott and Le Navet Bete’s production of Cinderella
Rachel Bulman reviews Exeter Northcott and Le Navet Bete’s production of Cinderella
Lucy Facer explores the intricacies of the twenty-first century minimalist movement
Freda Worrell Reviews The Shotgun Theatre’s Little Woman: The Broadway Musical
Cleo Gravett, Print Satire Editor, reflects on her experience at the Futures Physical Theatre Masterclass
As LGBTQIA+ history month draws to a close, Isabel Langguth recommends some Queer books that’ll keep the conversation going.
Lucy Evans, Online Features Editor, reviews Shotgun Theatre’s production of Company.
Are you a die-hard Swiftie and not sure what to read next? Caitlin Barr recommends books based on their similarities with Taylor Swift songs.
Siobhan Bahl discusses Nawal El Saadawi’s life and writing, and why her work remains relevant today.
Banksy’s bathroom art has proved that even street artists can work from home, Jess Calcutt reports.
Rhian Hutchings gives us the low-down on the perfect quarantine reading material
Online Arts and Literature Editor, Lucy Aylmer reflects on the importance of architecture
Print Music Editor, Bridie Adams reviews her favourite book of the decade
Emily Pirie explores how Hockney’s paintings of spring represent the resilience and strength that can be found through art
Online Editor, Maddie Baker investigates the rise of virtual theatre- starting with Exeter Phoenix
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