Pandemic habits to keep

Sophie Porteous discusses the habits we should maintain after the pandemic is over
The past year has been a lot. Life as we knew it has been completely flipped upside down, and all the things we love to do (bar Netflix perhaps) have become distant memories. But have there been any silver linings to the major lifestyle changes?
We take self-care more seriously- Before the pandemic, the idea of self-care and looking after your mental health was beginning to become more popular. However, having to spend so much time alone, separated from our usual support systems, and looking after ourselves has become much more important. I for one have had enough time away from my usual hectic schedule to actually take some time out for myself, getting back in to reading, meditating and exercising more, as well as starting a gratitude journal. Little things like this are definitely beneficial to bring with us as life returns to normal. This past year has shown us that we can never leave our own mind and body, so we need to make sure we are looking after them!
This past year has shown us that we can never leave our own mind and body, so we need to make sure we are looking after them!
Spending time in nature- Although we may feel sick of taking those daily walks, spending time in nature–or any green space–is beneficial for our mental health. I have found myself getting unreasonably excited when I see a new bird on my walks, and although the lack of interesting things going on may have a part to play in this, I definitely think I will leave these lockdowns with a new appreciation for nature. Plus, going for a walk with someone is a good way to catch up, as well as an easy way to get in some exercise and soak up some Vitamin D (British weather permitting of course).
Fashion can be comfortable- I never thought I would be looking at people’s jogging bottoms with envy, but this past year has made me slightly obsessed with trying to find the most comfortable clothes! Missguided saw a 700% rise in their sale of joggers and leggings in 2020, showing just how popular comfort has become. After a year of comfy, stretchy trousers, the idea of squeezing into stiff denim is enough to give me nightmares, and fashion trends are beginning to reflect this. Plus, for many, lockdown gave us a time to reflect on where we are getting our clothes. I think the awareness of the negative impacts of fast fashion, on both the environment and employees, is something that will only increase as restrictions start to be lifted.
The brilliance of online calls- Although we are all well and truly sick of zoom calls, the ability to keep in contact with people no matter where they are is something that we have all perfected over numerous lockdowns. Although we will hopefully all be able to see all our friends in the same room again, those who live in different countries–or even the other side of the UK–will definitely find it easier to have a quick video chat with their loved ones.
Although it has been a very tough year, there are definitely silver linings. While I can’t wait to go out for a meal and not worry about keeping my distance from my friends, I certainly will be carrying some of these habits with me as lockdown lifts.