Sanjiti Banerjee discusses the surprising science behind handwriting, and why we should give paper a second chance.
Sanjiti Banerjee discusses the surprising science behind handwriting, and why we should give paper a second chance.
Isobel Vautier discusses recent findings from the Big Butterfly Count which suggest that butterfly levels are at their lowest in 13 years and that these levels are worrying scientists.
Omar Harris Vernon El-Halawani discusses the infected blood scandal that occurred during the 1970s and 80s and the consequences of it that are just now coming to light.
Science Editor Imogen Poyntz-Wright discusses the NHS infected blood scandal.
Paris Gill discusses burnout, an increasing common phenomena, its symptoms and how to prevent it.
Daisy Scott, Online Science Editor, discusses Antibiotic Resistance, how it works, why it is so dangerous and what we can do in the future to prevent it getting worse
George Edwards interviews Sophie Pavelle from the Beaver Trust about the importance of the reintroduction of the beaver into the British Countryside
Imogen Poyntz-Wright, online science editor, discusses the identification of lucky genes with regards to obesity in humans
Lauryn Mitchell explores how certain viruses might be an unlikely hero in the tale of antibiotic resistance
Alina McGregor discusses a new study concerning the angle of the dinosaur-destroying asteroid impact
Chris Manktelow discusses research that sheds new light on Mars’ ancient past
Online Science Editor Vincent Plant discusses Lovelock’s Gaia theory, the Coronavirus pandemic and the Paris agreement
Kevin Yu discusses discrimination in STEM subjects
Alina McGregor discusses the apparent change in future population predictions
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