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University of Exeter, Devon

Archive 2021

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Articles Published in 2021

Olivia Richards shares her summer bucket list while there is hope that things might be returning to normal
Emma Watson takes a close look at how the Australian wildfires that took place last year have affected biodiversity
Tired of turning time and again to the same old games? Sophie Wellington recommends taking a stab at Detroit: Become Human
Lifestyle Editor Millie Betts interviews Sarah Martin, founder of Nourish, to gain an insight into the process of shopping zero waste
Tamara Moule considers how a recent increase in the popularity of avocados has impacted Mexico in a series of unexpected ways
Rhys Wallis looks back at times in sporting history when the underdog came out on top.
Henry Hood gives a requiem for one of the greatest music duos.
President Ani Martirossian and Treasurer Luca Boyd of The 93% Club Exeter explain the mandate of the national network and give an idea of what Exeter students can expect.

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