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University of Exeter, Devon

Archive 2020

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Articles Published in 2020

Life in lockdown can be exceptionally lonely, which is why, as Katie Fox attests, it can help to have some animal companions.
Print Music Editor Bridie Adams reviews Troye Sivan's 'leaked' single 'Take Yourself Home'.
Rhian Hutchings shares the music that reminds her of life outside lockdown.
Anna Taylor takes us through her simply delicious chocolate fudge tart recipe
Conspiracy theories can psychologically give an immense sense of self-security but can also result in severe consequences - in the case of the recent 5G conspiracy, it’s caused mass damage to the UK’s mobile network, and due to the health crisis, meant a loss in hospital signal. Justin Waddy explores issue at the centre of the pandemic: misinformation, and what a pattern it may set for issues that are current but sit out of the spotlight.
Russia has a precedent - as with the Chernobyl emergency, they are not speaking up. There is a rouse in place, that of a national holiday from work, to mask the very real lockdown occurring in Russia, too. This shows that Russia, like everyone else, is faced with a pandemic-shaped threat, which they are actually reacting to. But why stay quiet about it, and why not help the rest of the world, which is what is expected of a superpower?
Amy expresses skepticism on the outward appearance of our government around COVID-19. This being the phasing in of “draconian” measures as the government’s approach to greater palatability for the nation. This is, rather, a rouse behind which hides the Tory cabinet's ambiguity and sudden 180 turn. The article analyses the pattern of Johnson's behaviour that has left many in the UK unconvinced.
Courtney Priday considers how the coronavirus might change our architectural landscape

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