Rachel Bulman reviews Exeter Northcott and Le Navet Bete’s production of Cinderella
Rachel Bulman reviews Exeter Northcott and Le Navet Bete’s production of Cinderella
Lauren Walsh and Maddie Conlan, Arts and Lit editors, review the Northcott showing of The Mousetrap.
Lucy Rawlings spotlights her book recommendation for spring: Rupi Kaur’s poetry collection The Sun and her Flowers.
Amy Rushton, Online Comment Editor, discusses Surrealism as an artistic movement, its successes and the future that lies ahead
Amy Cases looks at the significance of Tennessee Williams in queer literary history.
Sam Bovey shares an original poem about a soldier returning home to their mother
Judy Dodd informs us of the latest update to the Art Council England’s relationship framework and what this could mean.
Lauren Walsh, Arts and Lit editor, gives her thoughts on the latest Spotlights production
Amy Rushton, Online Comment Editor, delves into her love for the Rossettis, the Pre-Raphaelite movement and the role of female art at this time
Amberly Wright shares her week of Parisian summer and the artwork that framed it.
Gracie Moore, Arts and Lit editor, discusses her experience of an immersive exhibition.
Lucy Facer discusses the uncertainty of young adulthood as navigated by the protagonist of Elif Batuman’s The Idiot.
Emily Rizzo introduces us to the curious wonder of In Watermelon Sugar and outlines why it’s a perfect fit for the transition from summer to autumn.
Jasmine Aldridge shares her views on her favourite Japanese novel: Diary of a void
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