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University of Exeter, Devon

Archive 2023

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Articles Published in 2023

Dexter Woolley provides an intriguing take on what the fake kiss in Netflix's You People means for the wider question of intimacy in cinema, as well its significance to the medium
Gracie Moore finds flaws but also promise and a change of approach to the first half of Netflix's smash hit show
The week which marked the end of February and the start of March brought along not one but two fun astronomical spectacles: the planet conjunction and the northern lights. In this article, Almudena Visser Velez explains the phenomenon of the northern lights.
The week which marked the end of February and the start of March brought along not one but two fun astronomical spectacles: the planet conjunction and the northern lights. In this article, Almudena Visser Velez explains the conjunction of Venus and Jupiter.
Charlie Nadin shares what he learned from an unplanned, month long phone detox, and considers whether these things have a lasting impact.
Madi Wharmby reports on Napoleon the campus cat's rise to the Presidency of Exeter's Student Guild.
Seven academics from the University of Exeter have been chosen to take part in a change programme created by the Women’s Higher Education Network (WHEN), which aims to promote equity of opportunity for Black women academics and PhD students.
Students at Exeter’s Streatham and Penryn campuses protested last week after revelations that the University is continuing to invest in Shell.
Niall O'Mara offers a host of ways to relax, and discusses the ways in which he is able to achieve the much sought after state of relaxation.
Lucy Facer explores the intricacies of the twenty-first century minimalist movement

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